Dr. Manoj Kumar is a Post Graduate in two subjects (History & Public Administration) and Ph.D. After the completion of his academic career, he devoted his time and energy to the study & research of Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Vaastu & other occult sciences as well as in deep Sadhana. He completed his Jyotisha Alankar (Silver Medalist ) and then Jyotisha Acharya from Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan under the guidance of Shri K.N. Rao, the world's most renowned Astrologer. Thereafter, he joined the research group of Shri K.N. Rao and commendably completed his research on several topics with excellent results.
Dr.Manoj Kumar
[ M.A (double), Ph.D]
Jyotisha Alankar
( Silver Medalist )
Jyotisha Acharya
Traditional Vedic System
Jyotisha Martanda
KP System
Vaastu consultant
After excelling himself in Vedic Astrology, he plunged himself into the mystery of K.P. Astrology to refine his techniques of predictions as K.P. Astrology gives very accurate results with the exact timing of events.
He did not stop here but continued his mission of studying & knowing other branches of occult sciences. He also studied Palmistry, Numerology and Vaastu with minute details and devoted several years in research to bring accuracy in their predictions.He also gives guidance on Vaastu related problems after visiting the specific sites.
He is a Sadhak & staunch believer in destiny. He opines that the actions of our previous lives determine the present. Every event of our life is pre-determined. This can be understood by the following Shloka of Bhagwad Geeta ---- 18/11/42 which concludes that a person even if provided all the requisite resources, good environment at work, is laborious, courageous and industrious fails to perform a work successfully. Why? Only fate is the reason for non-completion and failure.
However, the Astrological remedies can change the course of events to a great extent. But only the right remedies which may include Mantras, Pujas, Gemstones or other actions have the potential to alter one's destiny.
He therefore strived to solve problems being faced by the people in different walks of life.
He has done vast research on the subjects like Career, Profession, Education, Marriage, Children, Health, Longevity etc. He has given numerous correct predictions on these subjects. Not only this ,but he has also mastery over the Mundane Astrology which includes Astro-meteorology (rainfall ,weather etc.), effects of eclipses on Nations & nativities, future of a particular Nation based on that nation's horoscope.
He analyses the horoscope both from K.P. System and traditional Vedic System. In traditional Vedic System he takes into account Parashari System as well as Jaimini System. In Parashari System he uses Vimshottari Dasha and many conditional Dashas like Dwisaptati Sama Dasha, Chatursheeti Sama Dasha, Shatabdika Dasha, Kaal Chakra Dasha, Shodashottari Dasha etc.,relevant Divisional Charts for specific arena of life e.g. for Children Saptansha Chart, for Profession Dashamsha Chart, for Education Chaturvimshamsha Chart etc.Varshaphal & Gochar is also taken into consideration.
In Jaimini System he uses Pada Lagna, Up-PadaLagna, Karakamsha Lagna and other relevant Lagnas and verifies the horoscope with Chara Dasha, Sthir Dasha, Mandook Dasha and Navamsha Dasha. After analyzing the Horoscope from multiple angles & Systems he reaches the conclusion and gives his prediction.
The people always fear Saadhe – Saati & believe that it will bring disaster to their life. But this is not always true. Research has proved that a number of notable persons have risen to apex in Saadhe – Saati period. Good or Bad effects of Saadhe – Saati should be analyzed through Ashtakvarga System. He always analyses Saadhe – Saati period using the Ashtakvarga System and draws conclusion whether the Saadhe – Saati period is Shubh or Ashubh for a particular native. If any Dosha is found in Saadhe – Saati period , adequate and specific remedial measures are suggested to nullify the ill effects.
He has great command over Birth Time Rectification. Many People donot know their Birth Time or Birth Date or Birth Year or anything. They also wish to know their future to execute their plans. He is able to find out the person's exact Birth details by some minute calculations and by the grace of almighty. He also has great command over Horary Astrology to answer a specific querry of the native. He is able even to predict the exact date of an event. He is still carrying out his research and development programmes in Astrology for discovering new methods for imparting accurate predictions to clients, society and nation.
We not only provide with the solutions of the future but also intend to provide a better wholesome living by offering various remedies and astrological cures recommended by our panel of astro-experts.
We want to bring Astrological services to the door step of a common man and intend to restore the confidence in the Science of Astrology itself. The motto behind the total endeavour is to serve the mankind based on the principles of Indian Astrology, with the blessings of Almighty.