Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac and ruled by the planet Sun (lord of our solar system). Leo is a fire sign means Leo people are impressive, positive and generous, although they tend to be romantic, idealistic, ambitious egotistical, temperamental, loyal, enthusiastic, hopeful, overbearing and affectionate. Leo’s people are affectionate and liberal by nature and believe in giving themselves enthusiastically to the right cause. Leos are realistic, passionate, hard working, and amazingly self-confident. They tend to gravitate towards positions of authority and their strong sense of integrity and optimism make them excellent leaders. They are best in positions of power and dependability. Hence as the Lion, Leo can become lazy if their desire for authority which is not fulfilled.
The body parts, which Leo governs, are the upper back, forearms, wrist, spine and heart. Leo’s natives are issue to a number of ailment like pain in back and lungs, spinal complaints, diseases of the heart and blood, illness in ribs and sides, paroxysm, pleasantries, violent burning fevers including, in former days, when they were prevalent, plague, pestilence, jaundice, and some afflictions of the eyes. The best colors of Leo are gold, royal purple, and orange. Leo birthstone is sardonyx and rules metallic gold. Flowers for Leo are dahlia, yellow lily, red poppy, marigold, sunflower, and heliotrope.